Double Your Adsense Income

Ever since Google AdSense has come onto the market,
a big part of the internet marketing game has been to try and get as good at as possible with Adsense. With any number of different advertisers using it, the goal of creating a passive stream of income has really become the holy grail of internet marketing and while many people have been successful at it from time to time, true success at AdSense is gained through the use of proven techniques over a lengthy period of time. Here are some of the techniques that can help you push your AdSense business forward.
Square Ads
One of the most basic advanced AdSense techniques that you can utilize is the use of square ads. Many of the people that get started with AdSense do not use square ads, but rather they end up using banner ads. Since banners have been associated with advertisements for as long as people can remember, it is perhaps not that surprising that people would think this way. Banner ads have become less effective than text links. The term for this phenomenon is "banner blindness".