Blog Submissions

It happens to everyone at some point in time.
You have a great idea for a blog, on a new niche topic.
You create the blog; you post interesting and creative posts to it each day, and then nothing.
You post your brilliant and original thoughts for everyone online to read, but no one is coming around to read your blog.
And, because no one can find your blog to read it, you are not generating any links or improvement in your search engine rankings either.
What is a blogger to do?
Promoting your blog is essential to its success. You need to promote your blog so that you become recognized as an expert in your chosen niche and can monetize your blog. However, you also want to promote your blog to increase the traffic to your site, reach a new reading audience, and most importantly to create as many inbound links as possible. Creating inbound links ensures that your website rankings and search engine optimization efforts pay off for you in the biggest ways possible